Why a Diagnosis Is Important, Not a Stigma: Break Through The Shame


When many people hear the term mental health disorder, they automatically think of it as something abnormal that only affects certain types of people — break through the shame! The truth is that mental health disorders are extremely common. Over 50 million people in the United States (1 in every 5 adults) suffer from some form of mental illness. Mental disorders can be extremely harmful, interfering with your everyday functioning or even leading to self-injury or suicide. Luckily, most mental health disorders can be managed so that those suffering end up living normal lives. That’s why it’s so important to visit a mental health professional to receive a diagnosis if you suspect you might suffer from a mental health disorder.

What is a Mental Health Disorder?
A mental health disorder is an illness that involves any change in your thinking, behavior, or emotions and which generally interferes with your ability to function in social or work activities. The term mental health disorder encompasses a wide range of conditions, with professionals identifying over 200 different types of afflictions. Because of this large number of illnesses, it is essential to receive a specific diagnosis so you know exactly how to approach your condition. Some common mental health disorders include:

    • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
    • Depression
    • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
    • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
    • Schizophrenia
    • Substance use disorders

Getting a Diagnosis
To treat a mental health disorder, you must first know what condition you suffer from. Therefore, you must meet with a health professional who specializes in mental health disorders. A trained mental health provider will speak with you and ask you specific questions about your symptoms and background. Since there aren’t any medical tests that diagnose mental health disorders, it is essential that give your provider as much information as possible so they can make the proper diagnosis.

Because there has been so much stigma in the past attached to mental health disorders, it can be easier to ignore your symptoms than to seek help. But you know when you’re not feeling right and your healthcare professional can get you the help you need.

After diagnosing your condition, your mental health provider will then prescribe a treatment. Due to the wide range of mental health disorders, though, the treatments your healthcare professional may recommend will vary considerably. Some of the most common treatments include:

    • Talk Therapy: There are many different forms of talk therapy, but they all involve speaking regularly with a mental health professional in a controlled setting. The goal is to identify and work through the issues that are causing your mental health disorder.
    • Medication: Many forms of mental illness are effectively treated with prescription medications such as antidepressants.
    • Alternative Therapies: There are numerous nontraditional methods of treating mental health disorders that have proven effective. These include herbal supplements, acupuncture, brain stimulation therapies, and other treatments such as ketamine infusion therapy.

If you suffer from depression or anxiety, ketamine infusion therapy can be particularly effective at helping relieve your symptoms. Tahoe Ketamine offers several treatment options that can help you get your life back on track.


Contact Tahoe Ketamine

If you suffer from a mental health disorder, ask your healthcare provider about ketamine treatment or, for more information about our innovative treatments, contact us using the brief form below. We’ll help you determine if ketamine is the right course for your mental health symptoms, and put you back on the path to health and wellbeing.

Contact us for more information about our IV Therapies at 530-208-9355 or by filling out the contact form below.

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