Depression affects approximately 17 million adults in the U.S. each year. Depression symptoms include a loss of pleasure in activities, changes in sleep, weight or energy, restlessness or difficulty focusing, or even suicidal thoughts. Traditional treatments using antidepressant medications and talk therapy have always been the go-to solution for alleviating the symptoms of depression. However, the changing landscape of depression treatments has opened the door to new and more modern ways of helping those who suffer from depression. New depression treatments include:
1. Technology. With FitBits, Apple Watches and other GPS tracking devices being so prevalent, technology can now be used to help those who suffer from depression. Technology can track sleep and movement, which both contribute to the development of depression. If a person is not getting enough sleep, technology can document and show how that is affecting their overall health. If someone isn’t moving enough—or if they’re staying at home too much—this can be a sign that they are not being social, which is another sign of depression. Trackers can help people identify when their habits are trending towards the warning zone for depression.
2. Positive Affect Treatment. Depression leads to disinterest and loss of motivation in life’s daily tasks. New research about a type of treatment called Positive Affect Treatment (PAT) targets the brain’s reward system to change that. It is a behavioral activation method that promotes a positive experience before, during, and after rewarding events. It uses cognitive behavioral techniques that shift the focus from the negative to the positive aspects of daily situations. The first clinical trial showed that participants had a reduction in depression symptoms after six months of PAT.
3. Opiod signals. Studies show that up to 40% of depressed individuals do not respond to typical antidepressant medications. For those individuals, second-line treatment options include targeting their opioid receptors through the administration of ketamine infusions. Ketamine was originally used as an anesthetic back in the 1970s, but now ketamine for depression is becoming a popular treatment for depression or anxiety disorders, alleviating symptoms for up to 70% of patients. Ketamine also works rapidly, delivering relief oftentimes within hours of an infusion. Studies show that those with severe depression or treatment resistant depression, upon getting one dose of IV ketamine once a week, had a huge improvement in mood.
If you feel like none of your depression treatments are working, you are not alone. Request a consultation with us to discuss how ketamine treatments can help you have a better outlook on life.
Contact Tahoe Ketamine
Tahoe Ketamine is the leading ketamine treatment center and IV hydration lounge in Lake Tahoe. We offer ketamine infusions for depression and anxiety, as well as IV hydration therapy which can enhance the results of ketamine infusions for the treatment of depression. Complete the brief form below to request a free consultation and find out if you are a candidate for ketamine treatments.
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