4 Common Depression Symptoms to Watch Out For


It is estimated that one in five adults in the U.S. will experience depression at some point during their lifetime. If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the four common depression symptoms listed below, it may be time to seek professional help. Awareness and understanding are key when it comes to identifying and managing clinical depression. 

Here are 4 common depression symptoms that should not be ignored.


Persistent Feelings of Sadness, Emptiness, or Hopelessness

The hallmark symptom of depression is feelings of persistent sadness, emptiness, or hopelessness. These feelings can last for weeks or months. If these feelings interfere with your daily life and ability to function normally, it is important to seek help from a healthcare professional. Your doctor can provide medications, referrals, and other depression treatment options to help manage these destructive feelings and improve your overall mental health.


Loss of Interest or Pleasure in Activities That Were Once Enjoyed

Another sign of depression is a loss of interest in activities that you once enjoyed. This includes hobbies and activities, like going out with friends, attending social gatherings, and participating in sports. If once enjoyable activities are no longer appealing to you—if you’d rather do nothing at all than participate in your favorite hobbies— it’s time to seek help from a healthcare professional who can determine whether you are suffering from clinical depression.


Significant Weight Loss or Gain, or Increased Appetite

Depression can lead to significant changes in appetite—some people experience weight loss due to decreased appetite, while others gain weight due to increased cravings for comfort foods. If you’re noticing sudden changes in your diet due to a decrease or increase in appetite, this could be an indication that something deeper is going on. Speak with your doctor about your symptoms, so they can determine the best plan for managing them. 


Insomnia or Excessive Sleeping

Depression can also cause insomnia—or difficulty sleeping—as well as excessive sleeping, which can interfere with everyday life: work, school, and relationships. Sleep disturbances are common among people with depression, so if you’re having trouble either falling asleep or staying asleep, talk to your doctor. They might suggest an antidepressant medication, or even ketamine infusions, which have been proven effective for depression-related insomnia.    


Contact Tahoe Ketamine

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of depression listed above, don’t hesitate to contact Tahoe Ketamine. Our team of experienced and compassionate healthcare professionals can provide comprehensive treatment plans tailored to your individual needs. We specialize in ketamine therapy, which is effective for up to 70% of patients—even those who have resisted other treatments in the past.

Contact us for more information about our IV Therapies at 530-208-9355 or by filling out the contact form below.

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