Out With The Old & In With The New: Going Into 2022 With Secure Mental Health


​The holiday season can be a bit of a sugar rush, with all of its glittering, flashing decorations, parties, gifts, and catchy songs. But, after any sugar rush comes the crash: the New Year. Leading up to January 1, it’s not uncommon for people to stop and reflect on what they did—and did not—accomplish during their last trip around the sun. As the chaos of the holidays fades away, and 2022 comes into sight, here are 7 things that we can do to prepare ourselves mentally for the start of the New Year:

1. Set aside time to reflect.
Finding silence—away from the office, social media, music, and meetings—will afford you the opportunity to review the past year. How have you progressed? What would you like to do better in 2022? Give yourself 10-15 minutes of silence per day leading up to the New Year, and you’ll find you have more energy and clarity about how to best achieve your goals in the coming year.

Bonus tip: don’t stop reflecting after the calendar turns—turn that 10-15 minutes of reflection time into meditation. The benefits of meditation are staggering.

2. Set realistic goals for the New Year.
Only 8% of people actually stick with their New Year’s resolutions. Oftentimes, they’re too ambitious, broad, or unrealistic. Instead of “I want to lose weight,” or “I want to save more money,” try making small, incremental changes. “I want to walk for 20 minutes every day,” or “I’m going to skip my afternoon latte and put that money into savings.” Then, as you find yourself succeeding with these small, tangible goals, you can expand them. Walk for 30 minutes every day, or turn that walk into a jog…

3. Get ready for change.
There’s a saying: Nothing changes if nothing changes. It sounds elementary, but it’s true. Leading up to an impending change, remind yourself why you want to change, ask friends and family to support you in reaching your goals, eliminate the people who say it can’t be done, accept that failure is a potential outcome…and be okay with that!

4. Remove temptations.
Staying on the beam has less to do with willpower and more to do with excellent preparation. Want to lose weight? Get the junk food out of your house. Want to save money? Invite friends over for a dinner party instead of planning a night at a restaurant.

5. Carpe diem…seize the day!
Hitting the snooze button does little to help you accomplish your goals. Try to wake up a bit earlier each day, until you’re adding an extra 30-60 minutes of time to your day! Then, before you go to bed at night, make a list of three mini-goals you’d like to accomplish the next day. When you wake up (early), review your list, spend a moment reflecting, and then get after it!

6. Expect complications.
Life is hardly predictable (Covid-19, anyone?). The bottom line is that unexpected challenges will arise, and you need to be mentally prepared for those roadblocks. Don’t let them stop you! Do your best to plan for common challenges associated with your goals (for example, if you’re starting a new business, save some extra money just in case your income is slower than expected), and otherwise move forward with the expectation that you will encounter obstacles along the way.

7. Remember, change takes time.
It can take months—or even years—to reach some goals. The sooner you start working towards them, the sooner you’ll get there. It does, however, require time, consistency, and patience! If you slip up, get right back on track. One (or two, or three) mistake isn’t going to derail you from reaching your long-term goals. Just remember to practice self-forgiveness, and don’t throw the baby out with the bath water!

The end of the year is an excellent time to reflect on where we are in life and set ourselves up to be successful in the coming year. If one of your goals is to improve your physical or mental health, please contact Tahoe Ketamine. We offer IV hydration to support general wellness and ketamine infusions for mental health and chronic pain relief. Contact us today using the brief form below.


Contact Tahoe Ketamine

Our clinical team is here to answer your questions, address your concerns, and help you choose the depression or chronic pain treatment that is right for you. If you or someone you love is struggling, contact our staff to answer any questions you may have about ketamine infusion therapy.

Contact us for more information about our IV Therapies at 530-208-9355 or by filling out the contact form below.

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