The Link Between OCD and Sober Living: How Ketamine Can Help


Dealing with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and sober living can be extremely challenging, which may explain the strong link between this condition and alcoholism. According to experts, up to 30 percent of people with OCD also suffer from a substance use disorder (SUD)—about twice the rate of the general population—with many of these people having extreme difficulty maintaining sober living habits.

The Reasons for the Link Between OCD and Alcoholism

Among patients with this dual diagnosis, alcohol abuse—rather than illicit substance abuse—is especially common. When patients find that their OCD medication isn’t enough to manage their symptoms, many turn to the relief provided by alcohol. In addition, the compulsivity engendered by OCD itself can quickly turn the craving for alcohol into a compulsive habit of its own. Dealing with alcoholism by itself is difficult enough, but, combined with the obsessive nature of OCD, it becomes a monumental challenge.

How Ketamine Can Help

Luckily, for those suffering from OCD while trying to maintain a sober living, there are several treatment options available. It is important to stick with your OCD medication regimen to combat the dual diagnosis. If this is not enough, ketamine therapy has been shown to quickly alleviate symptoms among OCD patients. This relief can last for a couple of weeks. Ketamine has also shown immense promise as a treatment for alcoholism, resulting in higher sobriety rates and less likelihood of relapse.


Contact Tahoe Ketamine

If you find that your OCD or other mental health symptoms are driving you towards even more damaging habits, such as increased substance use, Tahoe Ketamine can help. Contact us today and begin your journey towards healthy OCD management.

Contact us for more information about our IV Therapies at 530-208-9355 or by filling out the contact form below.

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