Persistent sadness. Endless worrying. Tossing and turning all night. Feeling worthless. Snapping at family members and loved ones. Mention these symptoms to your doctor and we’re betting you’ll receive a diagnosis of depression, a recommendation to go to talk therapy, and maybe even a prescription for an antidepressant.

And you very well may be depressed. But there are many other conditions that manifest the exact same way—and these conditions are much more easily addressed through such holistic treatments at IV hydration or vitamin infusions, light therapy, or simple lifestyle changes.

Here are 6 health conditions that mimic the symptoms of depression:

Caffeine Withdrawal. If you constantly sipping on coffee or tea, you should know that caffeine withdrawals can be as severe as panic attacks, sometimes even accompanied by shaking.

Hunger Pains. Feelings of hunger set off a stress response, so—especially to those who are prone to high anxiety—low blood sugar can set off feelings that mimic those of depression. Unfortunately, inconsistent food intake causes people with low blood sugar to become extra irritable and anxious, exhibiting symptoms similar to those of depression. Eat frequently, and enjoy whole, nutrient-dense foods when you do eat.

Hypothyroidism. With hypothyroidism, patients feel tired, worthless, and irritable. In fact, some people feel so tired it’s hard to get through the day without taking a nap. One of the problems with hypothyroidism is that it’s one of the most commonly misdiagnosed health problems in the world. Even if you get your thyroid levels checked, often results come back saying your thyroid is fine.

Vitamin D Deficiency. According to a 2009 study from the Archives of Internal Medicine, 75% of all teens and adults are deficient in Vitamin D. It’s so common that most doctors will do blood work to see if that’s the case before prescribing antidepressants. There is a strong correlation between low levels of Vitamin D and depression. The best way to get Vitamin D is by being in the sun and getting natural light, but clinics like ours offer IV hydration therapy with specific vitamins to help you get those nutrients faster. Vitamin D and light therapy are also treatment options becoming more widely available across the country.

Food Intolerances. Food impacts our hormones, and therefore can also affect our feelings. Certain foods cause inflammation in our gut and brain, and can completely change our moods. Eating nutrient-dense foods can decrease that inflammation and lift our spirits.

Dehydration. According to University of Connecticut’s Human Performance Laboratory, even a slight drop in hydration can affect our mood. Most people wait to hydrate until they feel thirsty, which is too late—you’re already dehydrated if you feel thirsty. The key is to keep drinking water consistently throughout the day. Our clinic offers a specific IV therapy that helps with dehydration, whether from a long night of overindulgence or to refuel after an athletic event.

Of course, sometimes symptoms of lethargy and sadness really IS depression, and, in that case, you may want to see your doctor for medications and a referral to see a psychologist. If that doesn’t work, ketamine infusion therapy is a highly effective and fast-acting option. Come schedule a free consultation with Tahoe Ketamine, Lake Tahoe’s leading provider of ketamine infusion therapy and IV hydration, and find out if you are a candidate for ketamine infusions.

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