How to Keep Anxiety Levels Low as the Pandemic Wages On


As the pandemic continues to forecast an uncertain future for the United States and the rest of the world, it has left many with unprecedented levels of anxiety and depression—even for those who may not normally struggle with these mental health conditions. So, how can we ease anxiety levels as we all continue to navigate these circumstances?


Limit Time on Social Media

There is a lot of fear and misinformation circulating in the virtual world right now, and while it is good to stay informed using reputable sources, it is important to take breaks from social media, and even from watching the news. It can be overwhelming, and being in a constant state of fear can understandably exacerbate anxiety.

Stay Connected

Being isolated and looking at the same four walls day in and day out—especially for those working at home—can be monotonous, and leave us feeling disconnected and lonely. Relationships are a major part of our lives as humans, and the quality of our relationships can alleviate anxiety and empower us with a sense of belonging and connection. Make sure you are finding ways to connect with your loved ones virtually and/or in socially distanced ways.

Stay Organized

When working, eating, sleeping, and relaxing all happen in the same space, it can be easy to let that space get a bit chaotic. However, disorganization can exacerbate our feelings of anxiety. When we keep things tidy it can help us feel calm.


Moving our bodies can release endorphins and help us to relieve stress. Doing at-home workouts, yoga, hiking, or going outside for a walk can help us minimize stress. Most people are probably moving around less than they normally do, and this can contribute to feeling stagnant and sedentary. Make sure to take breaks from work to move and stretch your body!

Eat Healthy

How we treat our bodies contributes to our feelings of self-worth. It is no coincidence that when we eat healthier we feel better about ourselves. We are giving our body the nutrients it needs to thrive! A balanced diet promotes a balanced mood and keeps blood sugar levels stable.

Ketamine Infusions

Ketamine infusions are incredibly effective in reducing severe anxiety and depression. Not only has ketamine been proven effective in about 70% of patients, but it can work in a matter of hours, making it a highly effective solution for situational depression and anxiety. Where traditional antidepressants can take months to start working—and are only effective for about 40% of patients—ketamine infusions are an excellent option. Not everyone is a candidate, so we encourage you to contact our Lake Tahoe ketamine clinic for a free consultation.

IV Therapy

IV infusion therapy is when a vitamin-rich solution is infused directly into your bloodstream. It can help with stress relief, hormonal imbalance, energy levels, a stronger immune system, and better hydration, all of which contribute to your overall health and mental well-being.

If you would like to learn about the different treatment options for anxiety and depression, such as ketamine infusions or IV infusion therapy, contact us using the form below for a free consultation or more information. You can overcome depression and reclaim your life, and we can help.



Contact Tahoe Ketamine today for a free consultation and to learn what ketamine can do for your chronic pain problems. We want to get you back out there, enjoying your life fully —without the fear of living in pain. We are one of the leading clinics in California and are happy to answer your questions, address your concerns, and determine if you are a candidate for ketamine for chronic pain.

Contact us for more information about our IV Therapies at 530-208-9355 or by filling out the contact form below.

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